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Luxury living in the sky

Luxury living in the sky

Want the freedom of private air travel but have no desire to get a pilot’s license and maintain a jet? NetJets, a leading aviation company, is proving that you can have the best of both worlds: You can own just a share in an aircraft, take it when you need it to a remote vacation spot or a business trip and leave the rest to an expert crew.

Owning a jetshare has its perks: Imagine dining 41,000 feet in the sky like you would in a Michelin-starred restaurant with linen tablecloths and red wine. And did we mention how you’d avoid the customary airport lines? Or that staff is so attentive to details that they arranged to have your daughter’s favorite cupcakes onboard to celebrate her birthday? Whether for business or pleasure, the bespoke flight lets you call the shots.

NetJets flies to more than 3,200 airports in some 150 countries, but before exploring these destinations, you’ll need to pack the latest styles, so stop over at Garmany for the fashions to fit your travel plans.

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