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How to wear Living Coral—the Pantone color of the year

How to wear Living Coral—the Pantone color of the year

Every year, the folks at Pantone Color Institute declare a specific color as the official one of the year, and the big winner for 2019 is Living Coral. Chosen because it’s “a nurturing color that appears in our natural surroundings and at the same time displays a lively presence within social media,” according to the company’s press release, coral also coincidentally had a big moment on the spring 2019 runway shows.

So how can you wear the warm, peachy orange hue both now and when the weather heats up? Here are our picks for coral men’s wear items, all available at Garmany.

Isaiah has stunning coral sport coats in smooth silks and heathered knits, perfect if you want to wear the color prominently and proudly.

Or, try a soft coral polo shirt from Peter Millar, which pairs well with slacks or jeans—or anything else in your closet, really.

Speaking of jeans, Jacob Cohen has some in fun, bold colors like coral, and a pair of these will add punch to the blah color palette of winter (and get you psyched for the warmer months ahead).

If you’d like to wear Living Coral in a more understated way, try a cashmere scarf from Loro Piana, a bright patterned coral tie from Kiton, or a silk coral pocket square from Salvatore Ferragamo, all of which would add a burst of personality to any ensemble.

Also keep in mind that you need not make coral the most stand-out part of your outfit. The versatile hue can be mixed in with neutrals like black, white and gray, or can even be worn amongst pastels come spring and summer.

Still not sure how to pull it off? Stop by Garmany, where a sales associate can help you shop the season’s newest looks in the new year’s trendiest color. See you then!

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